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An Ocean of Joy and some art happenings too!

In my last post, I did promise to give you an update on An Ocean Of Hurt, so here it is. When I last wrote of my pregnancy journey, I had just miscarried for the second time after two years of trying to fall and stay pregnant. Two months after that, I fell pregnant again and just under four months ago, I gave birth to an adorable baby boy called Eli. Here he is:

It's taken a while to come to grips with being a new Mum. Before I gave birth, I was so sure it would be easy enough. After birth, I realised how far off the mark I was. It's tough! Now, four months in, we've finally found a groove with it all and I'm loving being a Mum. My life is so different now that I finally have the little family I was dreaming of. Thank you God.

It truly was a heartbreaking journey but that has now ended in so much joy and a love in my heart that aches for this little boy. Anyway, enough mushy stuff.

The 2014 Sydney Biennale just finished and today I've taken return delivery of my installation 'We All Need Forgiveness' which means that there are now 30 TV's sitting in my garage. Sorry to demystify the whole white glove image of art but that's the truth of it. However, just to give it a little more shine, here's some photos I took of it while up in Sydney a few weeks ago.

Lastly, please do take the time to visit my solo show that is now on at Shepparton Art Museum. It's called I AM and it's on until the 10th August. I'm showing EH5452 and my newish 'Clouds Are The Dust Of His Feet Series' amongst other things. I also have a brand new work titled #18C as part of that show which is all about the proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act. I wrote a piece for the online paper 'The Guardian' on free speech and the proposed changes which you might like to read here.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading and for those who are trying to have babies, hang in there!

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